Terms & Conditions

  1. These terms
    1. These terms apply to your access to and use of the Stumbled Platform on stumbled.online and our app. These terms are specifically oriented around customer use (e.g. buying produce from a local retailer through the platform)
  2. Who we are
    1. Stumbled.online is owned and operated by Ecomni Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales whose registered office is at 61 Eastgate, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Our company registration number is 14221251. References to “we”, “us” and “our” should be construed as references to Ecomni Ltd.
  3. Our purpose
    1. Our aim is to connect customers to the retailers we "Partner" with through the use of our platform. The platform enables customers' to purchase produce from retailers ("Partners") within local delivery radius using our app. Registered retailers ("Partners") can add produce, set delivery preferences, manage stock, take payments and manage orders through our web-based desktop application.
  4. Account
    1. To access our services as a customer you must register yourself as a member on our mobile app. You'll be prompted for a valid email address, unique username and secure password. Once registered and you have validated you are the owner of the email address you can proceed to login to the application using your username and password
  5. Payments
    1. The app allows you as the customer to make payments to a local retailer through a secure payment platform. This platform will enable you to make payments by using a credit or debit card.
    2. The only accepted currency is GBP (British Pound).
  6. Delivery
    1. Delivery is handled by the retailer ("Partner"). Each retailer will have their own separate delivery timescales and pricing. Unfortunately, despite our, and our "Partners" best efforts, deliveries may not always arrive on time as certain matters may be beyond our, and our "Partners" control. If these circumstances arise we will work with you to resolve the issue, unless you have caused the delay (e.g. you have registered the wrong address). You can contact our support channel at: support@ecomni.co.uk.
    2. Retailers ("Partners") available with be subject to your geographical location. Before proceeding to purchase produce your are accountable for ensuring your address is set correctly. You can edit your address in the Account section on the app.
  7. Our liability
    1. We have taken care in the preparation of the site. However, as certain technical matters may be beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that you will have uninterrupted access to the site at all times. We will do our best to rectify any issues faced as soon as possible.
    2. We are not directly liable for the produce you receive or the delivery logistics. However, we will offer our support in resolving a situation if our "Partner" is being unreasonable, this may including canceling their account. You can contact us at support@ecomni.co.uk.
    3. We are not directly liable for the content that has been published by our "Partners". However, if any offensive content is reported to us we will review and possibly remove the content.